JCPS Supports Honor Flights

The Jefferson City Public Schools will be supporting the Honor Flights for Veterans.   All classes in the district have been asked to raise $10 per class.  The funds will be distributed between Central Missouri Honor Flights and Wreaths for Heroes.  The Jefferson City Public Schools will be joined by the Columbia Public Schools, Blair Oaks and other Cole County Schools.
Please help support this wonderful cause be allowing your student to bring $.50 to his/her Blazertime teacher.

Last Minute Grade Check- End of Quarter

Our 1st quarter ends on Friday.  Please check Infinite Campus to see if you/your student has any missing work!

Infinite Campus
Students and Parents can check grades.

            Parent Log-in:  Go to the Lewis and Clark Home Page.  Click on "Parents" on the 
           top menu.  Click on Infinite Campus for information on how to get a key code to log in.

            Student Log-in:  Username = Student ID
            Password = 1st letter of 1st name, 1st letter of last name, 6 digit birthday
            (ex.kl110283).  If this does not work, try birth date only with two digit year
            (ex. 052899); or birth date with four digit year (ex. 05281999)

What Are Weblockers?

Students now have a way to access from home any class work they complete on a computer at school.  They can use on-line web site called weblockers.  It's been a bit of a learning curve, but students are learning how to upload their work so they can access it at home, on their I-phone, or any place they can access the internet.  Students can log in using their first.last name and then the password selected.  There is a weblockers link on the side menu on the Lewis and Clark Home page.  Ask your student to show you their work!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our team allows students to take the lead in showing you their work and discussing their classes at conferences.  Our team will be available to speak with you if you have questions or concerns.    Students will be bringing conference information home this week.  Please fill our your time-slot request as soon as possible.  Slots are first, come, first preference.  All forms should be returned by Friday, Oct. 14.  Conferences are held Tuesday, Oct. 20 and Thursday, Oct. 25.