First Quarter Assembly

Enjoy our pics of First Quarter Assembly in the Team Album link.

Assembly Tomorrow (11-11-11)

Students should wear their team shirts tomorrow to show spirit at our First Quarter Achievement Assembly.

An Outdoors Experience

Students in Mrs. Distler's classes took a trip to the outdoor classroom to enjoy the beauty of fall.  Students then wrote descriptive paragraphs about their experiences.  Their photographs are elegant, and so is their writing! (See the team photos page for more!)

Veteran's Day Comes Early

On Monday, students were intrigued by the items our guest speaker brought with him---all the way from Iraq.  In honor of the upcoming Veteran's Day, Staff Sergeant Joe McGrail, uncle of Team Impact's Brady McGrail, spoke to the students about his joining the military, his dress and military uniform, and his experiences in Iraq.  Did you know that the pages in Iraqui magazines turn from left to right?  (For more photos, see our Team album!)