Student-Staff Volleyball Game

LC Teachers Rock!  Maybe next year you'll get us!  Great game!

Honored by Service

World War II Veteran,  Mr. Charles Foster, shared with Team Impact how attending an Honor Flight impacted him and other veterans.  Mr. Foster told of leaving St. Louis at 2:00 a.m. and being greeted in D.C. by applause and persons with flags.  We saw many photos and heard interesting information about the monument and its construction. For example, there are four eagles made of bronze, each weighing 20,000 pounds.  There are 4,000 stars, each representing 100 lives lost.  Every letter of every word on the memorial was hand carved.  The veterans received letters back from their family on the plane ride home.  Mr. Foster said, "They did mail call." He conveyed that he and the men were touched many times on the trip and it was an honor to go.  "It brings back many memories," he said. 

Mr. Foster further shared about his experiences in Africa, Normandy, and many other countries from 1942-1945.  In reply to student questions, Mr. Foster replied,  "War is not as glamorous as you think" when you are 19, he said.  He talked of digging fox holes, a fellow soldier being shot in the heart, the drive to keep going constantly, the sound of bullets popping, being hit in the helmet with shrapnel, and post-traumatic stress.  When a student asked, "What drives you when you are out there?" he replied, "You don't want to be killed."  He said that on the battlefield, you hold nothing against the other guy, and they hold nothing against you.  It is kill or be killed.  He told of shaking hands with Winston Churchill, and the way our country rationed food and gas to support the war. 

Mr. Foster thanked all of our students for raising money for an honor flight.  It was an experience he will never forget.


Achievement Assembly video

See Our Team Photo Album for still photos

COPE 2012


First Quarter Video

Check Us Out!
 First Quarter Video

1st Quarter Achievement Assembly

We are very proud of our students' academics, character, and spirit!
See more photos on our team photos page.

Presentations Tonight- Oct 16

Don't forget!  7th Grade Language Arts students will present tonight in the LCMS cafeteria at an assigned time.  Please come join us to see presentations and projects on 21st Century Skills.

21st Century Presentations

Please ask your student for their green 21st Century Skills Presentation Night permission form.  We are excited to present our knowledge and projects on 21st Century Skills on Tuesday evening, October 16, in the LCMS cafeteria.  We are working hard to finish on time!

If your student would like to stay after school to work on this project, I will be available Tuesday through Friday next week until 4:00 p.m. each day. 

Students will have two more 60 minute work periods in class next week.

We are using all of the 21st Century Skills to teach about 21st Century Skills.  It has been a real learning curve for both teachers and students!

Other exciting news: students now have their own E-Pals account.  Every message is moderated by me.  I will not allow students to use the system for social messages, only school related work.  I have never used the system and was fascinated to learn that students didn't know the meaning of "cc" or "compose."  Of course, when I was in high school, we actually used carbon paper.  It made me wonder if we will eventually only use I-phones to make the world go round.

Impact's Gold and Silver

Impact boys playing hard on and off the field!

Welcome Guests

Recently, Mr. Myron Graber, Superintendent of Secondary Schools, Dr. Marie Peoples of our school board, and Mrs. Tammy Chute, HR Director of Farm Bureau Insurance came to speak to our language arts classes about the importance of 21st Century Skills in the workplace.
    The students are realizing that they will need more than reading, writing, and arithmetic to be successful in their future.

21st Century Busy

We have been "crazy busy" learning about 21st Century Skills in language arts.  Students are learning the importance of collaboration, communication, and problem solving.  Along with developing their writing skills, we are using technology such as E-Pals and Weblockers to share and store our information.

Medica Center Reminder

DeLong-Distler Media Center tomorrow and Thursday.  Bring books to return.

Fundraiser monies due

Fundraiser money is due on Tuesday. 

Picture Retake Day

Picture retake day is tomorro for those who did not have photos at registration.

We Survived Our First Week!

Sorry these are a bit blurry; they came from video.

Important Reminders

ALL students must return the handbook signature page per Mrs. Thomas.  Handbooks were given out in most Blazertimes.

All students must return parent letters from Open House to their Blazertime teacher.  Students who were not at Open House received this letter the first day of school.

The district has a new BYOD technology form (different than the one from the Open House packet) that must be signed in order for students to bring and use any devices from home (phone, laptop, Ipad, etc.)  These will be coming home soon.

Save Those Box Tops

By saving Box Tops, our school benefits in many ways.  Recently new picnic tables and benches have been purchased with these monies.  Blazer Times also win prizes for having the most Box Tops collected.  Here is a web site with all the products containing points for education: Click here for product list

School Supply Sale Watch

Staples has lined paper for 1cent this week (Aug 5) with a $5.00 purchase.

Staples has Sharpie markers for 99 cents.

If you find a School Supply special, please respond on our blog!

(I, Mrs. Distler,  use 30 of each color folder with brads, one color for each class:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.  Staples usually has these on sale for 1 cent each, but has a limit.  If you are willing to purchase some for our classroom, please email me at  I need these before the first day of school.)

Year-Round Supplies Needed

Throughout the year, we can use the following items in our classrooms:

Clorox or Bleach Wipes for desks
Lysol (only approved spray) Citrus or Fresh Scent
Small wrapped candies to give as rewards

Please consider donating these items with school supplies!

Thank you!

Welcome to the New School Year

Team Impact wants to welcome the incoming 7th graders.  We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, team building, character building, and success.  Please sign up as a blog follower to continue viewing updates as they are posted.

Weblockers Saves Time and Work!

Students  have a way to access from home any class work they complete on a computer at school.  They can use an on-line web site called weblockers.  Students can upload their work so they can access it at home, on their I-phone, or any place they can access the internet.  Students can log in using their first.last name and then the password selected.  There is a weblockers link on the side menu on the Lewis and Clark Home page.  This year, ask your student to show you his or her work!

What is PBL?

PBL= Project Based Learning

In short, PBL is a type of teaching and learning in which students complete hands-on projects that solve real problems for real audiences.  While doing so, students not only meet educational standards, they learn life skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Check out this web site to learn more:

What is AFL?

AFL=Assessment for Learning
In short, Assessment for Learning is an educational philosophy which allows students to reflect on their accomplishments and goals as they evaluate their own learning.  It allows  teachers to work with students to meet those goals or standards.   More responsibility is put on the student to understand what they know and what they need to know. 

"Most people think of tests and exams that evaluate student learning as primary examples of assessment, but those are examples of assessment of learning. Assessment for learning, also known as classroom assessment, is different.
It is not used to evaluate learning but to help learners learn better. It does so by helping both students and teachers to see:

  • the learning goals and criteria
  • where each learner is in relation to the goals
  • where they need to go next
  • and ways to get there"
taken from

Watch this video as an example

A Day for the Dogs

There should be more days where students can see the inside of their ear on a computer screen, watch a dog search for marijuana, or hear a talking alarm clock.  That is what happened on our annual Dog Days.  It is more than a day to meet a vet, deputy, blind man, or groomer.   It is a day to experience what these professionals do on a day to day basis working with their dogs.  After reading books that have dogs as the main characters, it was an enjoyable day to experience them in our classes!

Service with a Smile

No. Not at a restaurant!  Ben Scott and Jacquelyn Walker were honored at the Chamber of Commerce Youth Service Award Banquet on May 8, 2012.  These students serve their schools and communities in a variety of ways from working on committees to stocking a local food pantry.  We are proud of these students of character!

3rd Quarter Nonfiction Book Projects

Team Impact- We Will Rock You

A celebration of our 3rd Quarter Work and getting pumped up for MAP testing at the assembly.