We Survived Our First Week!

Sorry these are a bit blurry; they came from video.

Important Reminders

ALL students must return the handbook signature page per Mrs. Thomas.  Handbooks were given out in most Blazertimes.

All students must return parent letters from Open House to their Blazertime teacher.  Students who were not at Open House received this letter the first day of school.

The district has a new BYOD technology form (different than the one from the Open House packet) that must be signed in order for students to bring and use any devices from home (phone, laptop, Ipad, etc.)  These will be coming home soon.

Save Those Box Tops

By saving Box Tops, our school benefits in many ways.  Recently new picnic tables and benches have been purchased with these monies.  Blazer Times also win prizes for having the most Box Tops collected.  Here is a web site with all the products containing points for education: Click here for product list

School Supply Sale Watch

Staples has lined paper for 1cent this week (Aug 5) with a $5.00 purchase.

Staples has Sharpie markers for 99 cents.

If you find a School Supply special, please respond on our blog!

(I, Mrs. Distler,  use 30 of each color folder with brads, one color for each class:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.  Staples usually has these on sale for 1 cent each, but has a limit.  If you are willing to purchase some for our classroom, please email me at karen.distler@jcschools.us.  I need these before the first day of school.)

Year-Round Supplies Needed

Throughout the year, we can use the following items in our classrooms:

Clorox or Bleach Wipes for desks
Lysol (only approved spray) Citrus or Fresh Scent
Small wrapped candies to give as rewards

Please consider donating these items with school supplies!

Thank you!

Welcome to the New School Year

Team Impact wants to welcome the incoming 7th graders.  We look forward to a wonderful year of learning, team building, character building, and success.  Please sign up as a blog follower to continue viewing updates as they are posted.

Weblockers Saves Time and Work!

Students  have a way to access from home any class work they complete on a computer at school.  They can use an on-line web site called weblockers.  Students can upload their work so they can access it at home, on their I-phone, or any place they can access the internet.  Students can log in using their first.last name and then the password selected.  There is a weblockers link on the side menu on the Lewis and Clark Home page.  This year, ask your student to show you his or her work!

What is PBL?

PBL= Project Based Learning

In short, PBL is a type of teaching and learning in which students complete hands-on projects that solve real problems for real audiences.  While doing so, students not only meet educational standards, they learn life skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Check out this web site to learn more:


What is AFL?

AFL=Assessment for Learning
In short, Assessment for Learning is an educational philosophy which allows students to reflect on their accomplishments and goals as they evaluate their own learning.  It allows  teachers to work with students to meet those goals or standards.   More responsibility is put on the student to understand what they know and what they need to know. 

"Most people think of tests and exams that evaluate student learning as primary examples of assessment, but those are examples of assessment of learning. Assessment for learning, also known as classroom assessment, is different.
It is not used to evaluate learning but to help learners learn better. It does so by helping both students and teachers to see:

  • the learning goals and criteria
  • where each learner is in relation to the goals
  • where they need to go next
  • and ways to get there"
taken from

Watch this video as an example